Spotlight on the Auto Sash Controller

Auto sash controllers have advanced significantly in recent years but ours still leads the field because not only does it enhance user safety, guarantee energy savings and reduce costs, it also hosts a range of features developed in direct response to feedback from lab users. How it works The TEL Auto sash Controller uses a […]

Ahead of the Climate Emergency

Earlier this month, cross-party MPs endorsed a motion to declare a formal climate emergency, calling for urgent remedial action throughout the economy. The move followed weeks of high-profile direct action by protesters including school climate strikers and Extinction Rebellion, and a parliamentary meeting between MPs and the teenage Swedish activist, Greta Thunberg. In the words […]

Celebrating 50 years as pioneering experts in airflow monitors and controls

Our journey Today’s incredibly efficient laboratory conditions are often taken for granted but it was only in 1994 that the first British health and safety standard for fume cupboards, BS7258, was introduced. My father joined the business around this time and quickly realised it had the specialist expertise to meet the gap in the market […]

Happy Christmas from TEL!

TEL would like to advise its customers that our offices will be closing for the festive break from the 21st December.  We will re-open on January 3rd 2019. We’d like to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to all of our customers for choosing to work with us in 2018, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and […]

Turn your lab green with the AFA4000

Earlier this month the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a special report on the impact of global warming above 1.5C and warned that the 3C we are currently heading for could be both devastating and irreversible. Laboratories are highly energy-intensive spaces, using more per square foot than most hospitals or commercial buildings and […]

Why it pays to strive for complete environment control

In any working space building managers look to control environmental factors like noise, light and temperature in order to keep employees safe and comfortable. But laboratories have the added consideration of potentially dangerous and toxic substances, which need to be controlled in order to protect the people who work in them. Controlling the laboratory environment […]

TEL technology helps Sygnature Discovery achieve ‘Excellent’ BREEAM rating

First launched in 1990, BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure and buildings including laboratories. Why is achieving a BREEAM rating important? The benefits of achieving a BREEAM rating can include: reduced operating costs improved lab user morale and productivity demonstrates a proactive approach […]

TEL expands energy efficient range with digital laboratory oven

At TEL we’re always looking for better, smarter ways to help our customers manage lab efficiency, reduce energy consumption and maintain the highest safety standards. Our market-leading products include VAV airflow controllers, auto sash controllers and room controllers. Now, in direct response to customer feedback, we’re delighted to announce the launch of our brand new […]

5 ways to reduce energy usage and cut costs in the lab

Laboratories are notoriously energy intensive, requiring high amounts of ventilation to operate safely. Fortunately, much can be done to reduce energy consumption from adopting energy efficient behaviours through to upgrading your fume cupboards’ air control system. There are many good reasons to reduce energy usage in your laboratory; you’ll make significant savings on energy bills, […]

6 reasons to switch to variable air volume (VAV) fume cupboard control.

Fume cupboards play a pivotal role in the laboratory, protecting users from harmful substances. A typical laboratory uses an exhaust blower to pull air from inside the room through the open fume cupboard sash, taking hazardous and noxious gases with it. The contaminated air is then expelled or filtered for re-circulation. The average chemical fume […]

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