3 ways airflow control can improve industrial operations
The safe, precise control of air is critical in industrial operations where its temperature, humidity and cleanliness can significantly impact people, products and processes. And, as a result, profitability. Many airflow control systems are inefficient, providing a constant supply of air that wastes energy and drives costs skywards, but at TEL we’ve spent more than […]
Reflecting on 2023: Consistency is key
As we come to the end of 2023, we find ourselves looking back on another challenging year. The war in Ukraine entered its second year, the Gaza Israel conflict divided nations, and energy prices and inflation remained high. Of course, we can only really focus on what is within our control. So, at TEL this […]
Do you need LEV monitors?
With no specific legal requirement to have airflow indicators fitted to a local exhaust ventilation (LEV) or fume extraction unit, organisations can be forgiven for overlooking their importance. However, as an employer, you do by law have to ensure your LEV system is kept in good working order. Here’s five reasons why you need LEV […]
Our reflections of 2022
2022 has been a year like no other (although I’m sure we said that in 2020 too…). The war in Ukraine, a sharp rise in energy prices, high inflation and a significant, post-covid hole in public finances is causing governments, businesses and individuals to think carefully about how and where to spend their money. But […]
Make a change and save up to 85% on lab energy costs
The rise in energy prices and the climate change crisis are motivating us all to think about how we can operate our homes, civic infrastructure, businesses and other organisations more sustainably. Science is at the forefront of finding solutions to these global challenges, but research is energy-intensive and lab managers are also under pressure to […]
TEL in Focus…Auto Sash Controller
For an innovative fume cupboard accessory which maximises energy savings and provides increased safety for the operator, look no further than TEL’s Auto Sash Controller. Although preliminary designed for operation on VAV fume cupboards, it can also be used on CAV fume cupboards for increased safety and can be fitted to new or existing fume […]
Clients #TELus Their Bespoke Solutions Stories
We’re always happy to help our customers solve specific issues with our bespoke solution service and are thrilled when we hear back about how well these systems have performed. Here are just a few of our success stories… Total Containment Solutions One of our latest projects came with some very bespoke requirements. The premises had […]
Discover Bespoke Airflow Technology from TEL
How bespoke airflow technology can save you more than just money… In an ever-demanding world, resources such as time, money and energy are always in short supply, so if there’s a way that you can make savings in any of these areas, why wouldn’t you? TEL has specialised in airflow controls for over 50 years, […]
Energy Efficient Installation for TCS
One of TEL’s recent projects saw the installation of 65 VAV controllers at a refit of a large laboratory that had been taken over and was being refurbished to facilitate the laboratory chemistry its new owner intended to use it for. TEL’s team worked closely alongside a team from Total Containment Solutions (TCS), one of […]
Focus on mental health in technology businesses
BIMA’s Tech Inclusivity & Diversity Report 2019 suggests mental health in the technology sector needs urgent attention. It found 52% of tech workers have suffered from anxiety or depression at some point and that people working in the sector are five time more depressed that the UK average making them comparable to those working in […]