Reduce energy costs by up to 85% with the AFA4000 VAV Controller

In uncertain political and economic times our customers are sure about one thing; saving energy (and therefore money) has never been more important. That’s why we developed the AFA4000 VAV Controller and Auto Sash Controller which is proven to reduce laboratory energy costs by up to 85%. How? The AFA4000 VAV Controller automatically adjusts airflow […]

Have you seen? We’ve got a new website

Like many growth businesses, we’d outgrown our website. It no longer did justice to the pioneering air flow controls and monitors we supply, nor the extent of our technological capabilities. More importantly, we needed a website that made it easier for our customers to find the information they want quickly and easily. What we changed […]

TEL to attend Pittcon exhibition and conference in Chicago

TEL is pleased to announce that they will be attending Pittcon, the world’s leading annual conference and exposition for laboratory science, on 5th and 6th March. Each year, Pittcon attracts attendees from industry, academia and government from over 90 countries worldwide. Held in Chicago on the 6th – 9th March 2017, Pittcon is a vibrant […]

Universities meet environmental targets with TEL’s VAV control systems

In October 2016, TEL’s Richard Eady contributed a feature to Laboratory News to discuss why considering your fume cupboards can help you meet environmental targets and save money. At the United Nations Paris climate conference (COP21) in December 2015, 195 countries adopted the first-ever universal, legally-binding global climate deal. Due to be enforced in 2020, […]

New Enhancements for TEL’s Auto Sash Controller

Following customer feedback and current trends in fume cupboard operation, TEL is pleased to bring to market a new and enhanced Auto Sash Controller. Building on our market-leading technology, TEL’s new and enhanced Auto Sash Controller has recently been upgraded with additional features and performance upgrades. Our new features include: Under Sash Sensor Test Feature […]

TEL launches in the US

TEL has extended its reach across the globe with the launch of TEL-Americas in the US. As a member of the ECM Holding Group, TEL-Americas specialises in the development, supply, installation, testing and verification of energy efficient VAV systems and is well positioned to be the #1 supplier of air flow control equipment in America. […]

International Sustainability Award for TEL University Project

  A laboratory project by Temperature Electronics Ltd (TEL) is helping to save a university laboratory a projected 270MWh of energy and over £34,000 in associated energy costs per year. TEL’s work with one of the UK’s leading fume cupboard manufacturers, Laboratory Specialist Services Ltd, for the University of Glasgow, was part of the institution’s […]

Enhanced performance from TEL VAV controllers and Airflow Monitors

  Temperature Electronics Ltd (TEL) has upgraded its range of AFA1000 energy-efficient variable airflow volume (VAV) controllers, pressure controllers and airflow monitors with additional functions and enhanced performance. The new generation of the AFA1000 series incorporates both software and hardware upgrades, including a high visual impact screen, making text easier to read from greater distances […]

Introducing a new range of damper actuators

  As the global demand for TEL Variable Air Volume products has rapidly increased along with awareness of energy efficiency solutions TEL has understood the need to update its range of damper actuators. From recently working with Belimo who are the global leaders in the actuator market, TEL has recently introduced a new bespoke actuator […]

Over 100 accidents in five years at high security laboratories – TEL’s response

  Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reports published in the Guardian newspaper (Ian Sample, science editor, 5th December 2014) revealed that UK-based high-security laboratories that handle the most dangerous viruses and bacteria have reported more than 100 accidents or near-misses to safety regulators in the past five years. The reports show that over 70 incidents […]

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