No Delays for TEL


It seems like many businesses are being hit with a string of delays at the moment. From pandemics, Brexit or – in a surprise twist for 2021 – a giant container ship becoming wedged in the Suez Canal, companies all over the world are finding themselves behind with deadlines and deliveries. Thankfully, TEL is not […]

Focus on…Digital Laboratory Ovens

Digital Lab Ovens

TEL’s customers are placed across a variety of sectors, from education facilities, pharmaceutical corporations, and healthcare providers to supply digital laboratory oven technologies. Yet despite their obvious differences, these customers have very similar objectives in mind when it comes to the projects we work on together: Accuracy Whether it’s drying, ageing, sterilizing or softening, our […]

A Christmas Message from TEL

I don’t want to dwell on 2020 too much, as I’m sure you’ll be as glad to see the back of it as much as I will! However, after the added pressures that we have faced this year, it would be remiss of me not to mention the TEL team. As you know, we’ve continued […]

Important upgrades to the AFA5000 and AFA4000

Our AFA5000 and AFA4000 airflow controllers have always offered safe, energy-efficient airflow control. Now, as part of our drive to continuously improve our products, we’re announcing some upgrades that further enhance their performance and user experience. AFA5000 Room Space Controller Improved screen resolution Improved air control Greater flexibility Greater ease of use The screen, which […]

A growing team of global distributors


A few years ago it was agreed that TEL’s continued growth would be through a planned distributor model. Every business has a core competency, and at TEL, our core competency is the technical expertise. Over the past 50 years we’ve developed a range of innovative products that offer safety and compliance, energy efficiency and cost […]

International growth for TEL’s innovative Auto Sash Controllers


2019 was an incredibly successful year for TEL; we celebrated our 50th anniversary and launched our new product videos which have proved to be very popular with our customers.  We have supplied over 1400 of our innovative auto sash controllers at a number of projects globally helping them to achieve their sustainability goals.  In 2020, […]

It’s been a big year…


2019 has been a big year for TEL.  In May, we celebrated our 50th anniversary and everything we have achieved since our launch in 1969.  As well as being one of the first companies to develop fume hood airflow controls and monitors critical to the safety of laboratory workers – who until then, had only […]

Bringing our Auto Sash Controller to life with our new video

We’ve recently created a new video to demonstrate the way in which the TEL Auto Sash Controller works, integrating with both new and existing VAV systems to present a safe, sustainable airflow solution that generates energy savings of up to 85%. The product also integrates with CAV systems. Auto sash controllers, which automatically close the […]

Why climate control is good for business

In light of the UK’s commitment to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, businesses across the UK are facing up to the likelihood of new and more stringent regulations designed to deal with climate control. Science: part of the problem and the solution It has long been the job of science to address […]

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