Choosing the right model

Circular CAV unit – RKP-C
The RKP-C volume flow controller is designed for use in complex piping systems to automatically control air distribution, maintaining a predetermined air flow for the supply or exhaust air of a room that is sustainable and independent from fluctuating channel air pressure.
Sizes: From 100 up to 400mm D
Material: Galvanised steel

Rectangular CAV unit – RKP-P
The Volume flow controller type RKP-P maintains a constant volume on extract and supply air systems covering a wide range of sizes and volumes to suit any application. It keeps a default nominal value of the volume flow constantly, lastingly and independently of the varying pressure in the duct.
Sizes: From 200*100 to 600mm2
Material: Galvanised steel

Circular VAV unit – RVP-C
The Variable Volume Circular type RVP-C provides volume control of extract and supply air systems across a wide range of sizes and volumes to suit any applications. Ideally suited for use with the TEL AFA5000 Room Space Controller.
Sizes: From 100 up to 630mm D
Materials: Galvanised steel as standard or 316 stainless steel on request

Rectangular VAV unit – RVP-P
The Variable Volume Rectangular terminal type RVP-P enables precision control of the amount of air coming into and out of a room. It can be supplied with a variety of control options for different applications and is ideally suited for use with the TEL AFA5000 Room Space Controller.
Sizes: From 200*100mm up to 1000mm2
Material: Galvanised steel as standard or 316 stainless steel on request

Attenuator – PZX
For sound attenuation in ventilated ducts and ventilated areas.
Sizes: A full range of sizes from 100 up to 1000mm (rectangular) and 300*300 to 1800m2 D (circular)
Material: Galvanised steel