
Why you should care about office air

Despite the recent shift to flexible and hybrid working, UK workers continue to spend a significant proportion of their week in office environments. We believe that while they’re there, they should expect to breathe clean air.

How dirty is office air?

Office air isn’t as clean you might think, with pollution emanating from multiple sources including soft furnishings, electronic equipment and cleaning products, many of which emit harmful chemicals and particulate matter.  Employees are themselves a source of pollution;  sweating, shedding skin, eating, breathing, sneezing, coughing and spreading bacteria.

Other factors that impact IAQ include:

  • the size, occupancy and location of the space;
  • activities nearby (e.g. traffic, construction works, industrial operations);
  • poor ventilation;
  • excessive temperatures and/or humidity;
  • poor cleaning regimes (can lead to the build-up of dirt and dust).

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is linked to physical symptoms including headaches, fatigue and poor concentration and recent government research has identified specific links between indoor pollutants and long term chronic health conditions like asthma.

Good indoor air quality (IAQ) is therefore essential to the health and wellbeing of employees, but it can also help reduce operational costs for building managers and employers. Fortunately, taking a proactive approach to indoor air quality takes relatively little effort or expense for the significant benefits it brings.

TEL Office Space Solutions

Our solutions enable building managers to understand and precisely control the flow of clean air in to (and dirty air out of) office spaces, ensuring the comfort and protection of employees. Like the AFA5000/RSC-2 Room Space Controller, which can help reduce energy use by up to 85% and also improves operational efficiency by helping to prolong the life of valuable physical assets.


  • reduce energy use and costs
  • promote employee health and wellbeing
  • boost concentration and productivity
  • reduce absenteeism
  • reduces equipment maintenance costs 
  • prevent building damage (e.g. from damp and mould)
  • comply with health and safety regulations

Find out more, give us a call on +44 (0) 1457 865 635.

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