As well as mitigating risk, VAV airflow controls can positively impact an organisation’s carbon footprint by effectively reducing energy consumption.
TEL has found that converting to VAV can reduce volumes by up to 85%, reducing both energy costs and carbon emissions. Furthermore, TEL offers a full retrofit service too.
We recognise that existing CAV systems will want to maximise energy efficiency and cost savings. TEL has developed a range of retrofit solutions that will help reduce energy consumption and increase safety on existing installations of any age.
If your customers are looking to reduce costs and meet carbon reduction targets, TEL’s VAV airflow controller is the only choice.
And because there is no inherent drift, TEL’s unique sensor provides stable readings over any years without re-calibration, ensuring reliability and safety.
For more information on how a TEL VAV control can help you and your customers, contact us today on 01457 865635 or click here to visit our VAV controls page.